Dark Money

Russian roulette? Tories are still accepting donations from Russia-associated donors

The Good Law Project has uncovered that the Conservative Party has continued to accept large donations from individuals and companies associated with Russia since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022.

Russian roulette? Tories are still accepting donations from Russia-associated donors

The Good Law Project has uncovered that the Conservative Party has continued to accept large donations from individuals and companies associated with Russia since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022.

A recent investigation by Good Law Project has uncovered that the Conservative Party has accepted at least £243,000 from Russia-associated donors since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022. This includes a minimum of £61,000 in 2023 alone.

Lubov Chernukhin, a Russian Conservative donor, has contributed significant money to the party, with donations totalling £175,000 since the onset of the war, including £10,000 to Tory MP and former minister Brandon Lewis and a further £34,000 via ‘auction prizes’, reported in February.


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