Five most prepared countries for the green tech transition
The US, Sweden, Singapore, Switzerland, and the Netherlands are the top five prepared countries to use frontier technologies, while Guinea, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo are the least prepared.
There is a technological divide between high and low-income countries for green tech transition. The US, Sweden, Singapore, Switzerland, and the Netherlands are the top five prepared countries to use frontier technologies, while Guinea, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo are the least prepared.
T he United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released new data ranking the most prepared countries to use or adopt frontier technologies. These technologies will be vital for the green tech transition.
The report states that the top five countries are Sweden, the United States, Singapore, Switzerland and the Netherlands. The ranking was based on five indicators: ICT, Skills, Industry, Research and Development and Finance. In total, 166 countries were ranked based on their level of preparedness to start using frontier technologies.
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