UK Politics

How to fly like a foreign secretary: A guide to luxury jets and showers

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly recently used a luxury business jet for his eight-day tour of the Caribbean and Latin America despite the cost of living crisis.

How to fly like a foreign secretary: A guide to luxury jets and showers

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly recently used a luxury business jet for his eight-day tour of the Caribbean and Latin America despite the cost of living crisis.

📌 The main points...

  • Foreign Secretary James Cleverly used a luxury private jet for an eight-day tour of the Caribbean and Latin America.
  • The Embraer jet features a lounge area, master suite, and private bathroom, and is estimated to cost £348,000 for a 10-day trip.
  • Labour’s Emily Thornberry criticised the extravagance amid the cost of living crisis.

F oreign Secretary James Cleverly recently used an Embraer Lineage 1000E private business jet for his eight-day tour of the Caribbean and Latin America.

The jet is known for its luxury features, including a lounge area with a big-screen TV and a master suite with a queen-size bed, private bathroom, and shower. The Embraer Lineage 1000E is considered one of the best luxury private jets available and is often used by high-profile individuals.


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