UK Politics

The loophole that saved Liam Fox from a lobbying penalty

After Liam Fox lobbied PM Sunak on behalf of a group that paid him £16k for 21 hours’ work, Bradshaw Advisory faced a penalty for violating legislation, while Fox was cleared due to the fee payment structure.

The loophole that saved Liam Fox from a lobbying penalty

After Liam Fox lobbied PM Sunak on behalf of a group that paid him £16k for 21 hours’ work, Bradshaw Advisory faced a penalty for violating legislation, while Fox was cleared due to the fee payment structure.

📌 The main points...

  • Conservative MP Liam Fox lobbied PM Rishi Sunak on behalf of a group that paid him £16,000 for 21 hours’ work.
  • Liam Fox’s role as Chairman of the Global Britain Commission is funded by lobbying firm Bradshaw Advisory.
  • The watchdog investigated potential rule breaches by Fox and Bradshaw Advisory and found the firm violated key lobbying legislation.

E arlier this year, Conservative MP Liam Fox was found to have lobbied Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on behalf of an advisory group that paid him £16,000 for a mere 21 hours’ work.


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