UK Politics

Prince Harry accuses UK Government and media of collusion

Prince Harry accused Mirror Group Newspapers of hacking his phone and other illegal acts in a court case. He also criticized the UK Government and media for colluding to avoid accountability and protect the status quo. He urged journalists to expose corruption and defend democracy.

Prince Harry accuses UK Government and media of collusion

Prince Harry accused Mirror Group Newspapers of hacking his phone and other illegal acts in a court case. He also criticized the UK Government and media for colluding to avoid accountability and protect the status quo. He urged journalists to expose corruption and defend democracy.

In his witness statement in the phone-hacking court case against Mirror Group Newspapers, Prince Harry has criticized the UK Government, stating that it is at “rock bottom” and avoids scrutiny by collaborating with friendly newspapers.

He believes that British media outlets are working with the Government to maintain the “status quo”, which threatens democracy in the UK.


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