2024 Presidential Delegate Trackers

The state of the Republican and Democratic Primaries with a chart that monitors delegates for the 2024 Presidential nominations.

2024 Presidential Delegate Trackers

The state of the Republican and Democratic Primaries with a chart that monitors delegates for the 2024 Presidential nominations.

T hese charts keep track of the number of delegates each candidate has secured towards securing the nomination for President. In the Republican primary, a candidate needs 1,215 delegates to win the nomination. In the Democratic primary, a candidate needs 1,968 delegates to win the nomination.

The charts also list the primaries’ schedules with the dates and States where primaries have taken place or are scheduled to take place. Checked marks indicate the States where primaries have already occurred.

The primaries and caucuses are scheduled across various States from January 15 to June 4.



PMP Magazine


Cover: Adobe Stock/Vovmar.