
THE SQUARE Weekend 🌐 20-21 April 2024

The news that matters in just 5 minutes.

THE SQUARE Weekend 🌐 20-21 April 2024

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The Editor

Britain’s Climate Crisis Leadership

Chris Stark, the outgoing head of the Climate Change Committee (CCC), a key authority on climate issues, has stated that PM Rishi Sunak has failed to champion climate change. His statement highlights a significant regression in the current government’s prioritisation of climate issues. Rishi Sunak’s lack of ambition is evident in the recent decisions to delay crucial environmental policies, such as the postponement of the ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars.

Military Assistance Bills for Ukraine Voted

The US House of Representatives has approved a significant military assistance package totalling close to $95 billion. This package, beyond its military focus, includes funding for Ukraine, Israel, and US allies in the Indo-Pacific region, as well as a substantial $9 billion for humanitarian assistance, demonstrating the US commitment to alleviating the suffering of civilians in conflict zones.


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