
THE SQUARE Today 🌐 25 April 2024

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THE SQUARE Today 🌐 25 April 2024

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The Editor

Labour plans to nationalise rail network within five years
Labour’s plan to nationalise UK rail services within five years promises to revolutionise railways with affordable fares and improved passenger benefits. By cutting inefficiencies and shareholder dividends, Labour aims to save £2.2 billion annually.
Rishi Sunak wants to cut the cost of ‘sicknote’ Britain. But we’ve found a strong economic case for benefits
Welfare reforms targeted at the sick and disabled won’t boost government coffers. In fact, spending on those who need support and investing in less conditional systems has a real financial return.
Sunak’s £75 billion defence boost: Fact or fiction?
PM Rishi Sunak’s defence spending announcement has sparked debate, with experts challenging the £75 billion figure as inflated and misleading, and criticising potential job cuts and lack of transparency in funding.
Urgent appeal for humanitarian assistance in the Gaza Strip and West Bank
UNRWA has launched a significant funding appeal to support millions in Gaza and the West Bank, amid escalating violence and attacks on its facilities, highlighting the region’s desperate need for humanitarian aid.
Parliament passes bill declaring Rwanda safe – but can it really be called a law at all?
After the House of Lords relented, the UK’s controversial Rwanda asylum bill will become law, despite doubts about its effectiveness, morality, and legality, and challenges to its practical application under Fuller’s legal principles.
Gibraltar, and reviewing the Brexit ‘bill of goods’
UK and EU leaders, including Gibraltar and Spain, report nearing a post-Brexit agreement for Gibraltar, dubbed the last major Brexit issue. Gibraltar’s complex status and its 96% EU support contrast starkly with broader UK sentiment.
Donald Trump’s trial needs a Dickens to tell the story
Charles Dickens would have depicted Donald Trump’s New York trial as a stark contrast to modern reporting, showcasing Trump’s loss of control in a dramatic courtroom setting.


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