European Union

EU flag ban sparks outrage on Brexit anniversary

On the seventh anniversary of the Brexit referendum, London’s City Hall and the Mayor of London’s office have been banned from flying the EU flag outside City Hall.

EU flag ban sparks outrage on Brexit anniversary

On the seventh anniversary of the Brexit referendum, London’s City Hall and the Mayor of London’s office have been banned from flying the EU flag outside City Hall.

M inisters have been accused of criminalising the flying of the European Union (EU) flag on government buildings in England, following London’s City Hall being informed that it could face prosecution for displaying the flag on the anniversary of the Brexit referendum.

This decision comes seven years after the UK voted to leave the EU and has sparked outrage from many who believe it is an attempt to suppress a symbol of unity.

Under the latest regulations, the Mayor would need permission from the local authority, Newham council, otherwise City Hall would be liable to criminal prosecution.


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