Rights, respect, dignity: The3million’s stand against hostile immigration
Unveiling the repercussions of stringent immigration policies, The3million advocates for compassion and clarity. Rising fines for landlords and employers, coupled with bureaucratic hurdles, jeopardise the lives of many EU citizens in the UK.
Unveiling the repercussions of stringent immigration policies, The3million advocates for compassion and clarity. Rising fines for landlords and employers, coupled with bureaucratic hurdles, jeopardise the lives of many EU citizens in the UK.
I n a call for respect, security, and dignity for all residents, irrespective of their background, The3million, the UK’s largest grassroots organisation for EU citizens, sheds light on the detrimental impact of the government’s latest immigration policies. How these policies, rather than addressing societal issues, intensify the hostile environment and embed immigration control in every facet of migrants’ lives.
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